Thinking outside the box in Social Media Marketing

Thinking, thinking, thinking, the curse of bloggers everywhere. The trick that we’ve learned at the CyberWigwam is that you can’t think about it too long. Get out of the box and get on with the writing. Cyberspace waits for no one. The faster you get your blog post out, the faster it can be broadcast to your social media and the faster your followers can comment on it. It is pretty hard for anyone to comment on a post that is still in draft mode. The good thing about social media is that it is fast paced. That means that you have to keep pace if you want to participate.

Social Media makes for swifter, stronger enjoyment of the 2012 Olympics

Officials are identifying Social Media as having a significant impact on the friendliness of London during the Olympics this year. Having up-to-date information available on Twitter and Facebook in navigating the capital city for visitors will make their visit much more enjoyable.  If you happen to be lucky enough to visit London during the Olympics you will want to make sure your batteries are charged. Officials are counting on social media to keep visitors informed of late breaking news and helping visitors to navigate the crowded ancient city. Read what VisitBritain has to say.

Fix those Facebook images in 2012, before March 30th!

Facebook has set a deadline for March 30, 2012 for when all the business pages, or what we used to call Fan pages will convert over to the “timeline” format. The general sentiment at the Cyber Wigwam is that nobody likes it. Well tough, it’s going to change anyway. Best way to deal with it is to set up a few new graphics and make your page as appealing as possible. There are three sizes of images:





This may mean a lot of Greek for some people so here at the Club we put together some PowerPoint templates to make it easy to set them up. You can comment below if you are interested in using the templates.

Daylight Saving, Time for shedding sunlight on Social Media

Social Media Marketing is nothing new but it is fast becoming accepted as a way to augment or supplant traditional marketing and advertising techniques.The neat thing about Social Media that we bloggers at the cyber Wigwam find is that you can interact with your customers and clients better than ever before. The tools of social media allow your customers to walk step by step with you in all your business dealings. Better yet, if orchestrated properly, your social media outlet can draw opportunities to you.WHen you say something unique and interesting you begin to draw a following. Soon, before you know it people are seeking you out to interact or request your services. You can read about some of the success stories at our club by visiting our new Success Stories page.