Daylight Saving, Time for shedding sunlight on Social Media

Social Media Marketing is nothing new but it is fast becoming accepted as a way to augment or supplant traditional marketing and advertising techniques.The neat thing about Social Media that we bloggers at the cyber Wigwam find is that you can interact with your customers and clients better than ever before. The tools of social media allow your customers to walk step by step with you in all your business dealings. Better yet, if orchestrated properly, your social media outlet can draw opportunities to you.WHen you say something unique and interesting you begin to draw a following. Soon, before you know it people are seeking you out to interact or request your services. You can read about some of the success stories at our club by visiting our new Success Stories page.

Mistake #1: Bamboo versus tablet

I have a Gateway tablet PC. You know, the kind with the stylus and screen you can write on. After seeing a TED Talk with Sal Khan, I wondered what unit he used to make his 2200+ tutorials. I was interested to add screencasts as part of the curriculum of our YouTube class. I also anticipated using it our blogging club in Rockford and Beloit. With a little research I found that he uses a Bamboo touch unit that drives his chalkboard-like screencast. I even found unboxing videos on YouTube!  I obtained such a unit. I loaded the drivers and Voila! It works quite well. BUT… after a while it is easy to disconnect it as it is a USB device. Soon I realize that my stylus that originally came to use with my screen does not work. The only way I have figured out to get it to work again is to reboot the computer with the Bamboo attached. Then both of the units work fine. The Bamboo has the added feature that it can recognize your finger as well as the stylus. I sure wish I knew how to get the drivers to play better together. Now if I’m on the road and know that I will need to use my screen stylus I have to carry the Bamboo along to make sure the drivers are engaged. The lesson learned is to review what the potential conflicts will be with doubling up on equipment. So far for the little bit that I’ve ended up using the Bamboo I regret loading it on this computer. I sure won’t connect it to my other tablet PC. It make s a nice unit for a PC that does not have a touch pad or a stylus device. Maybe someone has run into this before and has a simple way to align the drivers for the mode that you are operating in. Any thoughts would be appreciated, please comment below.