Looking Forward, what’s the next step for WordPress?

Content Management Systems or CMS are programs that make it easy to have a web presence. All the pieces that would traditionally be nit-picky are taken care of by the program so you can concentrate on the “Content” of your marketing message. Here at the Cyber Wigwam the bloggers like to use WordPress for their CMS. WordPress.com is easy to set up an account and generally stable. For more adventuresome types you can develop what is called a “hosted” site where the WordPress engine is extensible to all kinds of functionality. The basic WordPress framework is available from wordpress.org for free. That organization also maintains a list of popular plugins to add more functionality beyond supporting blog posts and pages. Plugins are also generally free. With the release of version 3 the custom post type structure has allowed programmers to easily write a myriad of new functionality. My personal favorites are for FAQs and newsletter support. What does the future hold? Certainly, the popularity of WordPress highlights the importance of CMS systems in helping  more people develop a web presence. If you want to see what some people have done with their WordPress sites follow the links to the bloggers to the right–>.